Important dates
The conference is free only for members of SChR and EuChemS who are going to submit a paper; if you are not a member and you would like to join the conference please contact us.
Abstract template
Please format your abstract according to the following template:
Registration form
In order to participate in AdFoodChem 2021 it is mandatory to fill the following registration form:
Submit your abstract here. If you can not access the submission form, send your abstract to adfoodchem[at]gmail.com
Technical Information for Oral Presentations
The recommended time for Oral Presentations is 5-7 minutes including discussions. Timekeeping will be essential to the smooth running of the meeting. The official language of the presentation is English.
Please prepare your presentation in .ppt, .pptx (Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003-2017 format) or .pdf file. If you have any problem, please contact the technical staff (adfoodchem[at]gmail.com) at the latest in the break before your presentation (but preferably earlier) to solve it in advance. We recommend the presence of all speakers at least 15 minutes in advance of each day’s session.
Preparation and Presentation of Posters
Our recommendation is that each poster should not exceed the size of an A1 portrait format. The author’s name, affiliation, and title of the paper should be indicated in the top section of the poster. The posters will be presented and numbered according to the program. The poster number, received by e-mail, will be displayed on top of the e-board.
The posters will be uploaded on Google Drive, where can be viewed by the participants, and the discussions related to the content will take place on the “Wonder” platform for which you will receive an access link (https://www.wonder.me/).
Authors are kindly asked to send their poster file to the Organizing Committee by e-mail, before the 13th of April 2021.
The opportunities to present the posters are each day during the poster session, when the authors are expected to be present on “Wonder” platform. More information on how to access "Wonder" platform can be found here.
For authors who would like to have their scientific results published into a scientific journal, we recommend the publications mentioned in the list below.
The authors should send their articles directly to the desired journal, taking full responsibility regarding formatting, and possible fees. All submitted articles will follow the general peer-review process of each journal.